The Trinitary Man


THE PURPOSE OF THIS WEB PAGE is to invite philosophical discussion, and to stimulate an interest in the rational, metaphysical system-philosophy of Trinityism. The purpose is to seek for criticisms and suggestions that could improve this dynamic, practical system. It is to verify what is true, and to correct what is false in it, and to add new data to its all-inclusive claims. The purpose is to eliminate the word "Pending" from its claim to being a "Grand Unifying Theory Pending".

WHERE IS TRINITYISM FROM? Trinityism began with an inspiration in 1944 by the author, E. J. Bartek, who has been a poet, philosopher, psychologist, educator, teacher, administrator, and lecturer. He has written over 50 book-manuscripts, re1ated to Trinityism, and on diverse academic disciplines, including over 2000 philosophical and psychological poems. Of this 50 manuscripts, 32 were published. For 35 years Bartek has been a teacher of philosophy, psychology, ethics, philosophy of religion, and related courses. He has been a psychological counselor where he has applied his trinitarian system of philosophy and psychology.

HOW ‘TRINITYISM" GOT ITS NAME: The ultimate purpose of a metaphysical system- philosophy is to find the ultimate truth of ultimate principles. Such ultimate principles are ultimate premises, that are ultimate sources of knowledge. Some philosophers have said that all knowledge comes from an ultimate oneness, or "Monism". Others have said that all knowledge comes from two, or "Dualism". Others have said that all comes from many, or "Pluralism". These static philosophies failed to find the ultimate answers they sought. Monism was too incoherent. Dualism was too conflicting. Pluralism had too many exceptions. A dynamic Trinityism synthesizes the static philosophies of Monism-Dualism-Pluralism to eliminate their problems and to answers what they could not find.

The term "Trinityism" derives from the word "Trinity"; which in this philosophy is defined as: three related values that are in a dynamic balancing change to maintain the constant entity of their trinitized whole. For example, there is a balancing change between hot-warm-cold temperatures, and between the Stop-Caution-Go lights of a traffic light. These simple examples, that may be extended to the most abstract and complex examples, have balancing or cyclical changes between their values. So, as one value increases, the other two values decrease an equivalent mount to maintain the constant entity of the whole trinitized system of values. This balancing change is consistent with the scientific laws of symmetry and conservation that apply thru out the universe.

WHAT IS TRINITYISM? Trinityism is a rational, metaphysical, system-philosophy and method that seeks to interrelate, integrate, synthesize, and unify most knowledge from most branches of knowledge. It seeks to do this by 50 keyword-principles; some of which are: Change, Balance, Cycle, Conflict, Diversity, Harmony, Moderation, Proportion, Symmetry, Trinity, and Unity. The 50 keyword-principles are to all knowledge like 100 atomic elements are to all material knowledge. The keywords are like the index-keywords that are used by computer operators to tap into the knowledge of the universe.

WHAT ARE TRINITARIAN STRUCTURES? A trinitarian "Structure" is a symbolic representation of the harmonious unity that is found in a dynamic system of diverse principles. These idea-structures are simple, systematic, schematic ideograms. For example, the "Balance Structure"is drawn like a simple straight-lined see-saw. The 8 keyword-structures are named: Balance, Distribution Balance, Cycle, Trinity, No-value Trinity, Cumulative, Progressive Ranges, and Perspective. Each of the 8 structures is used in the way that the Cycle Structure is used to make weather and stock market reports. The "Balance Structure", that has the "Cycle Structure inherent in it, represents all balancing or conservation changes in the universe. So basically, it applies to all knowledge.

A trinitarian structure is like a map to a geographer, a blueprint to an architect, a cycle to a stock-broker, an organization chart to an executive, an index-system to a librarian, and a zooming telescope to an astronomer. A trinitarian structure is all of these in their interrelating systematic unity. The words that describe the parts, functions, relationships and inter relationships of any trinitarian structure are trinitarian keyword-principles. The 8 structures, with their 50 inherent keyword-principles, may be used to explain, illustrate, related, develop, and unify most knowledge; whether in theology, philosophy, science, mathematics, or the aesthetic arts. One picture is worth a thousand words, but one structure is worth a thousand pictures.

All trinitarian structures are based on 3 balancing values; i.e., negative-neutral-positive natural values, or spiritual-rational-sensual human values. These two generic trinities are ultimate sources of knowledge, from which most trinitized knowledge may be rationally deduced. They may be used to explain most dynamic knowledge in terms of general principles. These two trinities are also the basis for the ultimate principles, premises, perfections, purposes, perspectives and goods that are sources of ultimate truth, morality, justice, and beauty.

All human values are either spiritual-rational-sensual. To complete the whole of knowledge, beyond this trinity of three related human values, there are emotive feelings. Emotive feelings are non-free willed in depending on emotion, instinct, impulse, and compulsion. Emotive feelings are found in the mystical-psychic-occultic, in those relying on Fate to determine their life and living. Emotive words are termed "No-valued" in being beyond the realm of the rational free will choices that are made between the values of a spiritual "No", a rational "Maybe", and a sensual "Yes".

WHAT DOES TRINITYISM DO? Trinityism achieves the ultimate purpose of metaphysical, system-philosophy. That purpose is to find the fewest, simplest, and truest principles by which to explain the most knowledge; and by which to resolve the most conflicts in the simplest terms, of truth, morality, justice, and beauty. One of its methods is like supplying the whole picture of a jigsaw-puzzle in order to have it make sense of the scrambled pieces of the puzzle. The whole picture permits one to know how each piece fits coherently into the whole. It lets one know if each piece of knowledge is coherently true or not.

Other metaphysical system -philosophers; like Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Descartes, Spinoza, Kant, and Hegel; found some ultimate keyword-principles (Called Universals, Categories, Ultimates, Unifying principles, and First principles). Trinityism has what they have found, but has added its own dynamic principles. Previous philosophers revealed the truth of unified sections of the whole jigsaw- puzzle of knowledge. Trinityism relates, synthesizes, and coherently unifies their sections and pieces to reveal the whole picture of knowledge as being an harmonious unity of diversity.

Basically, Trinityism is a metaphysical system-philosophy that claims to have found ultimate principles and structures that are sources of knowledge. They are ultimate principles and structures , as far as the author knows, for one cannot go beyond these ultimates to any higher truth. Ultimate principles and structures make Trinityism to be an "ultimate philosophy"; still, it is a never-ending philosophy, for it moves in the endless cycles of balancing change to maintain a constant entity of the whole of knowledge. If one can add or detract to these claims of Trinityism, then the purpose of this web page has been fulfilled.

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