ASSOCIATION: How one value recalls a relative value, like the Negative associates the Positive.

BALANCE: When a negative value is opposed by a positive value, with a neutral value between. As one of these values increases, the other values decrease while retaining the entity of the whole balance scale, like going Up-Down on a seesaw with a person standing between. The parts change, but not the whole.

BALANCED DISTRIBUTION: How negative-neutral-positive values are distributed in the form of a statistical distribution curve, like between short-normal-tall heights in a group of persons.

CYCLE: A wave of progressively increasing values that extends to decreasing values, that change between negative-neutral-positive values, like the daily light cycle between dawn-noon-dusk

CONTINUUM: A continuous line between negative-neutral-positive degrees of change, like between beginning-middle-end.

CONFLICT: What happens when a negative and positive force or value try to function in the same time/space. It blocks their functioning, like war between opposing nations.

CONTROL: A rational means to maintaining a balancing moderation between negative-neutral-positive values, like with a hot-warm-cold heating system.

CUMULATIVE: Changes that increase by multiplying ranges of negative-neutral-positive values on a pyramid structure, like the trunk-limb-branches of a tree.

DIVERSITY: Different values in a unified entity, like the negative-neutral-positive values of a trinity, or the diversity of states in a nation.

EQUALITY: A state of no-values by eliminating the trinity of negative-neutral-positive values, like degrading down the social hierarchy to have no inferior-normal-superior values.

EQUILIBRIUM: Cyclical changes that are stabilized between limited negative-neutral-positive values, like the tides are stabilized between the same high-peak-low values.

FORCE: Anything that causes change, like a push is a force that causes an object to change.

FREE WILL: A neutral rational choice and will that judges between a conflicting negative spiritual and a positive sensual will, like when the conscience says "No", when the senses say "Yes", and reason says "Maybe" before judging to support one side.

GOAL: A present step in the progressive achievement of a future purpose, like a battle is a goal in the achievement of a war

HARMONY: Balancing or cyclical changes that parallel each other, like two dancers moving in harmony with each other.

INTEGRATION: When diverse parts join to be separate parts in a unified whole, like states integrate to be parts of a nation.

JUDGEMENT: Rational weighing of conflicting relative negative-positive truths to a conclusion, like a judge makes a judgement between conflicting truths.

JUDO: Bending before a superior force to maintain self-control, then counterattacking with prepared reserves to achieve control over the force, like with a Judo wrestler..

MODERATION: A balancing neutral stability between extreme negative-positive values, like between deficiency-moderation-excess values.

NO-VALUED: Non-free-willed emotive feelings that are not part of the free-willed trinity of spiritual-rational-sensual values, like emotion, instinct, impulse, and compulsion.

PERSPECTIVE: Balancing change on a pyramid structure between broad-medium-narrow ranges of perception that are relative to time-motion-space, like views from the peak-slope-base of a mountain.

PERVERSION: Degradation of all values by excessive sensual values, like when each greater sensual gain makes for the loss of a lesser value, until one has no more desires or values, like too much sweets becomes sour, and when abnormal desires and values replace normal ones.

PRINCIPLE: A basic unifying idea from which may be deduced relative concepts and facts with the same principle, like from the principle of Action/Reaction different examples are deduced using the same principle.

PROGRESSIVE : Evolutionary degrees of change between negative-neutral-positive values, like a cycle progressively rises-peaks-declines, or while progressively changing up-down progressive ranges of society.

PURPOSE: The last of a series of goals to an achievement, like winning a war is the purpose for having battles, as goals to it.

PROPORTION: Moderation, harmony, ands symmetry in a unified whole of parts, like with all Trinitarian structures.

RANGE: Broad-medium-narrow levels of values, in a pyramid structure, like zooming binocular views, and with views between principles-concepts-facts.

RATIONAL: Mental effort that relates spiritual intuition, logical relationship and sensual observation. Logic is an aspect of rationality that lacks in spiritual values.

RELATIVE: How values change when related to changes in time-motion-space, person, circumstance, and degree, like the dominance of values change as history between spiritual-rational-sensual values.

SELF-DISCIPLINE: Denial of a present goal for greater value in a future purpose, like a parent who denies self-pleasure to enable her child's future education.

SENSUAL: Observations thru the senses as perceived in the sensual mind, like anything seen thru the five senses.

SPIRITUAL: Antithesis of sensual, with rational being their synthesis. Ineffable revelations from the spiritual mind, like conscience, insight, and intuition.

STANDARD: Any value designated as a basis for comparing other values, like the negative is a standard for comparing the positive, vice versa.

STRUCTURE: A symbol of a dynamic system of related principles, like the Balance Structure has principles that describe its parts, functions, and relationships.

SUPERIOR: Antithesis of Inferior, with Normal between. Words to define the quality of negative-neutral-positive values, like Good is superior relative to Bad, which is Inferior.

SYMMETRY: Similarity of form or structure with equal negative-positive sides from a neutral mid-point, like in all Trinitarian structures.

SYNTHESIS: Merging of Thesis-Anthesis. Equivalent to neutral values that merge between negative-positive values, like in action-compromise-reaction.

TRINITY: Three diverse, but related values, in a systematic dynamic unity that has balancing changes between its negative-neutral-positive values, like H20 is a balancing trinity of ice-water-steam.

TRUTH: A changing trinity of negative-neutral-positive relative values, in the unchanging unity of an ultimate trinity, like in the ultimate conservation law that says all parts change, but not the unity of the whole.

ULTIMATE: Point beyond which there is no further knowledge, like the unity of energy is the ultimate source of materiality.

UNITY: Oneness without diversity, like from the unity of energy came the diversity of matter.

VALUE: What is compared to a standard, like a positive value is known by comparing it with a negative standard, vi cd versa.