Basis of the Trinitarian philosophy of history? It is based on the premise that individual man is a balancing trinity of spirit-mind-body. These function thru his spiritual-rational-sensual minds that determine his spiritual-rational-sensual values. He is born to be dominant in one of these balancing values, but has free will to live by any one of them. As the mind can be on only one thing, his changing minds and values are the basis for changes in his life. In principle, the collective extension of the individual's history is that of the nation and civilization.
Basis of man's free will: Man is born to have conflict between his spiritual mind and values that say "No" to sensual change and his sensual mind and values that say "Yes" to sensual change. His rational mind says "Maybe" before judging to support one side or the other. It determines how the person will go. Thus, within limits of his dominant being, man has a rational, free-willed self-control of his value-changes. These principles of the individual apply to his civilization. This is evident in Western Civilization with its dominantly spiritual Medieval Age of theology, the rational Renaissance Age of philosophy, and the sensual Modern Age of science. Extending from this free-willed trinity of spiritual-rational-sensual ages there may be a non-free-willed, emotive Age of No-values.
What is an Emotive Age? It is one that is not related to the rational, free-willed, self-controlled trinity of spiritual-rational-sensual ages, but based on emotive feelings. So it is an irrational and non-free-willed state of no-values.
Balancing changes in history: In the history of the Individual there is a balancing change between his spiritual-rational-sensual values. As one value increases to be dominant, another value decreases to be subordinate. The same applies to any range of society. This is verified in the history of Western Civilization. If nouns, adjectives, and adverbs in a history book are underlined under Medieval-Renaissance-Modern...No Value Ages, the words will be listed like those below. These "seasonal" ages of history may also be called Spiritual-Rational-Sensual...Emotive Ages, or Ages of Theology-Philosophy-Science...Superstition. (The dotted space infers separation from the previous trinity). These "Seasons" of history are symbolized below by the Trinity Structure:
History on a Trinity Structure: The Trinity Structure symbolizes how changing values of history make balancing and cyclical changes between negative-neutral-positive values, and may go to an Age of No-values. It applies on all ranges of society. It concretely pictures abstract ideas and illustrates the changing "Seasons" of history. These Seasons are described by the trinitized listing of values below the structure. Most, if not all human values may be added to this listing.
_____________________________________________________________________ - ± + 0 MEDIEVAL AGE > RENAISSANCE AGE > MODERN AGE > NO VALUE AGE _____________________________________________________________________ Spiritual Rational Sensual Emotive Theology Philosophy Science Superstition God Man Nature Spirits Divinities Humanities Sciences Occultism Theistic Deistic Atheistic Satanic Insight Logic Observation Feeling Asceticism Temperism Hedonism Extremism Altruism Idealism Realism Vulgarism Dogmatism Skepticism Relativism Cynicism Aristocratic Republican Democratic Anarchic Moral law Ethical law Legal law Natural law Unity Harmony Diversity Chaos Humanity Society Individual Gang Disciplined Self-disciplined Undisciplined No discipline Character Personality Popularity No identity Love Romance Sex Perversion
Spiritual Values: These are inner, ineffable values from the spiritual mind that are the antithesis of the sensual mind and its values. They are defined by what they are not, relative to rational and sensual values. They may be illustrated by pictorial symbols and descriptive metaphors. They suppress spiritual-sensual values.
Rational Values: These are inner/outer values of the rational mind and its values that are a synthesis of the spiritual and sensual minds and values. They are defined by logical standards and values that enable free-willed choices, that enable the individual and society to be self-controlled. This self-control enables the moderating, harmonizing, and stabilizing of spiritual-sensual extremes.
Sensual Values: These are outer values of the sensual mind and its values that are the antithesis of the spiritual mind. Its values are defined by observing degrees of form, quantity, intensity, and extension. They suppress spiritual-rational values.
Emotive feelings: These are not values, but non-free-willed emotive feelings that are not related to the free-willed trinity of spiritual-rational-sensual values. They are based on a dependence on superstitious Fate and chance. As emotional, instinctive, impulsive, and compulsive feelings, some aspects of them are the conscience, revelations, omens, and hallucinations. These are found in mystic-psychic-occultic persons, in children, and in the insane.
What is said of these individual spiritual-rational-sensual...emotive explanations apply, in principle, to all ranges of society and in their history.
Note: Any word in any column of the listed values maybe defined by words in that column, but not by words from other columns. Or they may be defined as thesis-synthesis-antithesis, or negative-neutral-positive values. This verifies their true definition.
Controlling history: Between the limitations of the predeterminations of his birth, and the determinations of his society and nature, the individual has a rational, free-willed self-determination of his changing values. He cannot stop the cycle of his personal history, but he can moderate it to avoid the extreme of an emotive Age of No values. The same principle applies to the collective extension of the individual on all ranges of society.
The "Human Calendar": There are four natural seasons of Winter-Spring-Summer andAutumn on the natural calendar. Likewise, there are four human "seasons" of Spiritual-Rational-Sensual...Emotive phases on the "Human Calendar". As the farmer can use a natural calendar to predict and control the natural seasons of the year, so man can use a Human Calendar to predict and control the human "Seasons" of his history.
"Months" on the Human Calendar: As there are months in the natural calendar year, so there are "months" in the Human Calendar "year". These human months, symbolized by keywords that represent changing values, are: Survival--Hardship--Self-discipline--Effort--Security--Leisure--Pleasure--Dissipation--Degradation--Ruin--and return to Survival. These human months compose the Self-discipline Cycle on the Human Calendar (Click to see). They refer to man's free-willed choice in changing the dominance of his values and the trend of his history.
The Perversion Cycle: Coinciding with the Self-discipline Cycle" on the Calendar of Human Change, is the "Perversion Cycle of Values". It changes between sensual value. It infers that beyond sensual excess, there is a perversion of meaning in values that lead to an Age of No-values. Based on sensual values, the more one has the more he needs with a greater intensity. Each greater gain of sensual happiness, makes for the loss of lesser sensual happiness, until the "man who has everything" has no happiness and no values.
Perspective Ranges of values: (Click to see)Coinciding with the previous parts of the Human Calendar is the "Perspective Ranges of Values". It has balancing changes between vertical broad-medium-narrow ranges of the individual-society-humanity. It also has balancing changes between horizontal negative-neutral-positive values at its base. To perceive any aspect of these perspective trinities is to lose perception of the others.
Progressive Ranges of Society and Values: On the Human Calendar there is the changing "Year" with its "Seasons"and "Months, the "Self-discipline" and "Perversion Cycles", and the "Perspective ranges. All of these sub-systems coincide with the "Progressive Ranges of Society and Values". The Ranges of Society include the Individual--Family--Group--City--Nation--Civilization, and Humanity. On vertical broad-medium-narrow ranges of perspective, the up/down ranges represent the "growth and decay" of society and its values. In principle, what applies on one range applies on all ranges.
Summary: The structure of the Human Calendar, with its Months, Seasons, and Year is an integrated system of coinciding sub-systems. These sub-systems include the Self-discipline Cycle, the Perversion Cycle, the Perspective Ranges, and the Progressive Ranges of Society and Values. All of these dynamic systems interrelate and interact between spiritual-rational-sensual values. All trinity structures and keyword principles, relative to humanity, are inherent in the structure of the Human Calendar. Most human knowledge may be explained, illustrated, related, developed and unified by the Human Calendar. This manifests how all human beings and values are interconnected in a coherent, consistent unity of diversity that cannot be separated from the whole. This makes it difficult to deny any part of this unitary system by logic, fact, or inconsistency.
Explanation of the Human Calendar: Within the Human Calendar, the Self-discipline Cycle "Months" are initialed as: S, H, S, E, S, L, P, D, D, R, S. The Progressive Ranges of Society are initialed as I, F, G, C, N, C..The plus-neutral-minus signs symbolize the trinity of values on all Perspective and Progressive Ranges. Below the Calendar is a trinitized listing of values that manifest how values change in dominance thru Spiritual-Rational-Sensual and Emotive Seasons. This horizontal list could be extended to encompass most, if not all human values. Below this horizontal listing of values are vertical columns of values. The first two columns give the "Years" of Western Civilization, and the "Months" of the Self-discipline Cycle, (S.D.C) that coincide with the years. The third column lists the Progressive Ranges of Society (P.R.S) that coincide with Self-discipline Cycle Months that coincide with the Progressive Ranges of Society. The next three vertical columns are examples of government, aesthetic, and love values that coincide with all of the sub-systems on the Human Calendar. The vertical listings may be extended to encompass most human values. These vertical listings may be extended to encompass most human values:
______________________________________________________________________ - ± + 0 MEDIEVAL > RENAISSANCE > MODERN > NO-VALUE ______________________________________________________________________ Credulism Skepticism Relativism Existentialism Conscience Reason Senses "Gut feeling" Upgrading Hierarchy Degrading Equality Theism Patriotism Individualism Communism Biblical Classical Statistical Erotical
YEAR SELF-DISCIPLINE PROGRESSIVE RANGES GOVERNMENT AESTHETICS LOVE CYCLE (S.D.C.) OF SOCIETY (P.R.S.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1000 Survival (S) Individual (I) Tribalism Norman Celibate 1100 Hardship (H) Family (F) Autocracy Romanesque Theism 1200 Self-Discipline (SD) Group (G) Monarchism Gothic Chivalry 1300 Effort (E) City (C) Oligarchy Classical Humanism 1400 Security (S) Nation (N) Aristocracy Naturalistic Platonic 1500 Leisure (L) Civilization (C) Theocracy Rationalistic Brotherhood 1600 Pleasure (P) Nation (N) Parliament Baroque Patriotism 1700 Dissipation (D) City (C) Republic Neo-classical Provincialism 1800 Degradation (D) Group (G) Democracy Impressionism Fraternalism 1900 Ruin (R) Family (F) Socialism Abstractionism Filial 2000 Survival(S) Individual (I) Nihilism Primitivism Egoism Anarchy No art Rapine
Human Calendar Applied to different civilizations: The Human Calendar applies on all of the Progressive Ranges of Society, from the individual and group, to the civilization and humanity. So the same principles of the Human Calendar may be applied to psychology, sociology, politics, history, philosophy, and theology. The same principles also apply and parallel any civilization that fulfills its cycle. This is evident in the trinitized, overlapping, balancing cycles of Occident Civilizations. As shown below, these include the Greek--Roman--Byzantine--Saracen--Western Civilizations. Where their lines cross is an Age of Conflicting civilizations:
Predictions on the Human Calendar? Wherever value lines cross on the Human Calendar there is a conflict of human values that is told in terms of social rebellion, revolution, and war. These conflicts may occur on any of the Progressive Ranges of Society. An example of such predictable revolts is seen on the Human Calendar Structure below: