INTRODUCTION: This essence is an overview to better learn the philosophy of Trinityism . It attempts to be the simplest, briefest means to explain 17 published books by the author. These books apply the Trinitarian philosophy to diverse disciplines. Easier learning is had by understanding each line of the essence before reading the next line. There is some repetition of ideas because basic principles interact and interrelate. An essence is the seed of the tree of knowledge. The author's books should be read for the branches and leaves of that knowledge.

WHAT IS TRINITYISM? It is a metaphysical philosophical system, one that seeks for ultimate truth and wisdom. An ultimate truth is one beyond which there is no further truth-like energy is the ultimate truth for material knowledge. .

It is a synthesis of prior metaphysical philosophies, like those of Plato, Aristotle, and Kant. It unifies their diversity-like a year unifies the diverse seasons ands months.

It is an Ultimate Philosophy. This is because it is based on ultimate structures and their inherent ultimate principles. As ultimate sources of truth, values, and knowledge, most, if not all knowledge, may be logically deduced from or induced to these ultimate structures and principles--like all material knowledge may be deduced from the ultimate principle of energy.

It is a Grand Unifying Theory. It seeks to encompass all knowledge by 8 structures and about 50 principles. These principles define the parts, functions, relationships, and interrelationships of the 9 structures. Ultimates, like ultimate principles, purposes, premises, perfections, perspectives and goods are reflected in these simple systematic structures and keyword-principles. The structures unify the interacting, interrelating principles to explain, illustrate, relate, develop, and unify most if not all knowledge. This makes Trinityism to be a Grand Unifying Theory (GUT-theory)--like the Cycle Principle unifies all knowledge in a year of the natural calendar.

It is an interdisciplinary system. The same structures and their principles may be applied to any all disciplines to show how diverse disciplines interrelate. This makes Trinityism to be interdisciplinary and applicable on levels of education.

It is a practical philosophy. As a synthesis of system-philosophies and disciplines, it has their methods plus its own for finding truth, morality, justice, and beauty; for the practical improvement of teaching, learning, and creativity; for establishing common standards, values, principles, and virtues; and for perceiving, predicting, and controlling values. It is a practical means to resolving many of today's "unresolvable" personal and social problems-like the divisive conflict between what is truth?

It is new knowledge. It has a new theology, philosophy, psychology, ethics, and philosophy of history; as well as having new ideas in most, if not all branches of knowledge.

It is a new way of thinking. Most, if not all knowledge may be logically induced to or deduced from its ultimate principles and structures that are ultimate logical premises. Its trinities enable dialectical reasoning with thesis-synthesis-antithesis values; from facts, to concepts, to principles, to ultimate principles, to the ultimate creation of knowledge. From this ultimate source of knowledge, all that is induced to it may be deduced from it. One cannot logically think or learn without relating new ideas to an old premise. Trinityism supplies universal premises that apply to most knowledge. It is like a picture of a jigsaw puzzle that enables diverse pieces of the puzzle to be known as being true or false by how they coherently fit into the whole picture.

It is an advance in the mind of man. It does for ideas what the map did for space and what the clock did for time. It enables one to have the mind of a "Renaissance Man"; like a Galileo, who could be a theologian-philosopher-scientist, who could be intuitive-logical-observing

WHY IS IT CALLED 'TRINITYISM"? Because it is based on three values being the ultimate sources of knowledge, like God-Man-Nature. It differs from Dualism, that is based on two values, like Man-Nature; and "Monism", that is based on one value, like God. Dualism has unresolvable, conflicting relative values that deny coherent truth. Monism has no observable testing qualities. Trinityism synthesizes monism and dualism to have three related values that are in a dynamic unity of diversity that affirms their coherent truth and denies the problems of monism and dualism. It is like the difference in function between a traffic light with only a red light, or one with a red and green light, or one with a red-yellow-green light.

WHAT IS A "TRINITY OF VALUES"? The basic balancing trinity of three values is a unity as an unchanging whole, but a diversity as changing parts. Its balancing change between negative-neutral-positive values is analogous to a dynamic Balance Scale or a seesaw (See below). As one side of a balancing trinity increases, the other side decreases an equal amount to maintain the constant entity of the unchanging whole. This simple balancing trinity principle is evident in scientific Conservation Laws and is the basis of scientific, mathematical equations. The neutral value of a trinity, like Warm between Hot and Cold values, is a synthesis of negative-positive values. It neutralizes or resolves conflicts between negative-positive extremes. As the rational controller of the trinity, the neutral value enables a self-controlled rhythmic, moderate, harmonious unity between a stabilized diversity of changing relative values.


WHAT IS THE TRINITY STRUCTURE? The Balance Scale and Trinity Structures are shown above as applied to the Individual. The structures may be interpreted in terms of any other trinity of values. The balancing Trinity Structure is the basic building block and the basic dynamic system of human knowledge. From it larger structures and systems of knowledge may be constructed. It is the basic coherent system to reflect changing, interacting, interrelating knowledge. Both structures may be used to explain, illustrate, relate, develop, and unify most knowledge.

EXPLAIN THE TRINITY STRUCTURE: All balancing trinities have negative-neutral-positive values that may be symbolized by plus-neutral-minus signs.. All changing natural values may be explained by the generic balancing trinity of negative-neutral-positive values, like less-same-more. All changing human values may be explained by the generic balancing trinity of spiritual-rational-sensual values, like spirit-mind-body. The triangles symbolize major and minor cyclical changes that interact, interrelate, and cohere in a unity that is the diversity of a trinity. The arrows symbolized change in time/motion/space. The pedestal symbolizes the balancing change between a trinity of values.

WHAT IS THE 'BUILDING BLOCK' OF KNOWLEDGE? The simple balancing Trinity Structure is the "Building block" of knowledge. It is the "atom" of knowledge from which the "molecule", "elements", and other parts of knowledge may be systematically integrated and constructed to be a coherent unity of diverse building blocks of knowledge. Most knowledge may be defined, illustrated, related, developed, and unified by these building blocks. They are the essence of a GUT-theory.

WHAT IS THE PROGRESSIVE RANGE STRUCTURE? The Balance Scale Structure cannot be a building block to simply attach to other Balance Scale Structures to develop a greater system of Balance Scales. But the Trinity Structures, as a building block can be simply joined together like toy blocks. A Trinity Structure, joined to other Trinity Structures. could systematically encompass all knowledge in broadening Progressive Ranges of systems of knowledge, to an Ultimate Trinity of Knowledge,. This is symbolized by the Progressive Ranges of Society and Values Structure (Shown below). In terms of Society, it shows how the Individual range of values at the base unifies in the Family range, which unifies in the higher and broader range of the Group. The complete Progressive Range of Society includes the Individual, Family, Group, City, Nation, Civilization, and Humanity. In principle, what applies on the narrow range of the Individual applies to the medium-broader ranges

Progressive Range of Values

WHAT ARE OTHER BASIC STRUCTURES? The unifying Progressive Range Structure encompasses and synthesizes the 7other basic structures which are: Cycle, Balance, Balanced Distribution, Trinity, No-value Trinity, Cumulative, and Perspective (Click to see the Trinitarian Structures). The Balancing Cycle Structure is added to the list, not as an ultimate structure, but for illustrating how the Cycle and Balance principles and structures are basically a unity.

EXPLAIN THE STRUCTURES: A Trinitarian Structure is basic system of change that applies to most, if not all other changes. As such, the principles that explain its parts, functions, and relationships also apply to most if not all knowledge. To explain one structure is to explain all structures, for they all interrelate and interact in a coherent unity, with all using the same principles. Simple explanations of the structures are as follows:

Balance Structure: It has a trinity of negative-neutral-positive values that are in balancing change, so as one value increases the other two decrease an equal amount to maintain the constant entity of the whole. All is in balancing or cyclical change.

Cycle Structure: It is the same as the Balance Principle except that balancing changes repeat to make a cycle of change.

Balanced Distribution Structure: It has negative-neutral-positive values that are distributed or balanced equally. The most negative value at one extreme is balanced by the most positive value at the other extreme, with progressive increases in quantity, quality, or intensity toward the middle that has the most neutral value. Nature tends to maintain a balanced distribution of values by it balancing cycles. It is like a statistical distribution curve.

No-value Trinity Structure: It is the same as the Trinity Structure, except that it has an added space with a zero that symbolizes no-values that are emotive feelings. Values come from free-willed choices between spiritual-rational-sensual values, not from emotive feelings. .

Cumulative Structure: It symbolizes the cumulative growth, distribution, and decay of values. as evident in tree branches, river deltas, blood circuits, highway systems, and in organization charts.

Perspective Structure: It symbolizes how the perspective of values has balancing changes between negative-neutral-positive values on vertical broad-medium-narrow ranges, and between horizontal negative-neutral-positive viewpoints.

WHAT ARE THE UNIFYING PRINCIPLES? The 50 Unifying or Ultimate Principles define the parts, functions, relationships, and interrelationships of the 8 structures. Some of these principles are Association, Balance, Balanced Distribution, Change, Cycle, Conflict, Control, Cumulative, Degree, Diversity, Energy, Equilibrium, Force, General, Harmony, Judgement, Knowledge, Limit, Moderation, Nature, Order, Perspective, Principle, Progressive, Proportion, Purpose, Relative, Rhythm, Stability, Standard, Symbol, System, Symmetry, Trinity, Unity, Ultimate, Value. Other principles are in trinity-form, like negative-neutral-positive; time-motion-space, and spiritual-rational-sensual. Click to see the Glossary for definitions.


8 STRUCTURES AND THEIR 50 PRINCIPLES: These are the basic elements in the Trinitarian philosophical system and the means to their practical methods and applications. All that is intuited, reasoned, or observed may be related to these structures and principles, making them to be a source of intuitive creation, rational development, and constructive observations that are the basis for practical applications. .

TEACHING AND LEARNING: Teaching and learning are had by relating the new to an old, the abstract to the concrete, the part to the whole, and the relative to the absolute. Trinitarian structures and their principles are the old, the concrete, the whole, and the absolute to which unknown knowledge may be related to become known. This means that most, if not all knowledge may be practically explained, illustrated, related, developed, and unified by the structures and their innate principles. Their effect on the clarity, ease, speed, comprehension, and retention of teaching, learning, and creativity could be revolutionary.

INTERDISCIPLINARY LEARNING: A student starting a new discipline, with a background of Trinitarian principles and structures, could vastly increase his learning ability, because he already knows the most difficult part of any new course-learning its abstract principles. With these tools he could learn a truth, values, and knowledge that is a well-balanced harmonious unity of diversity. This knowledge will be coherently true because it is based on ultimate principles and premises of truth. His principles are not forgotten as are relative facts, but endure forever.

KNOWING TRUTH: Everything observed, thought, or intuited could be related to Trinitarian structures and their principles. Their coherent relationship and synthesis relate old ideas, create new ideas, and enable all knowledge to coherently fit into one unified whole of truth, values, and knowledge. This is analogous to the picture of a jigsaw puzzle that enables one to see how all the pieces, parts, and sections of the puzzle coherently fit into one unified whole. All that coheres to an ultimate universal truth will be a coherent universal truth.

KNOWING STANDARDS AND VALUES: Comparisons between diverse values of a trinity enable standards by which to know values, and by which to know the degree of relative truth. Ultimate Principles are ultimate standards by which to know, compare, and justify all truths and values that coherently extend from or to it. They are like a constitutional law that justifies city and state laws, or like a supreme court judge, beyond whom a law cannot go, except to an Ultimate Law Giver.

UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE: Trinitarian ultimate principles, premises, and structures; as absolute, eternal, and universal premises, enable universal rational standards, values, principles, and virtues. They eliminate the divisive conflict between personal and social truth, morality, justice and beauty. The "5Ps and G"" are ultimates that enable instant general answers to practically resolve almost any human conflict problem. These are: Ultimate Principle, Premise, Purpose, Perfection, Perspective, and Good. Anything that relates to these ultimate goods will be good.

CALENDAR OF HUMAN CHANGE: In analogy to the natural calendar of months, seasons, and year, Trinityism has a Human Calendar with "Seasons" based on the changing nature and values of man (See below). These Seasons are: Spiritual-Rational-Sensual....Emotive (See No-value Trinity below). The non-free willed Emotive values are not part of the free-willed trinity of values.

No-value Trinity

The Human Calendar's "Months", based on the changing nature of man and his values, are, Survival, Hardship, Self-discipline, Effort, Security, Leisure, Pleasure, Dissipation, Degradation, Ruin, and return to Survival. These are phases of a Self-discipline Cycle that applies to all human values on all ranges of society. The Self-discipline cycle coincides with a Perversion Cycle. It basically says that the more one has, the more he needs, with a greater quantity and intensity, until he perverts all his values to have no values. Each time he has a greater happiness, he loses a lesser happiness, until he has no happiness.

These Seasons and Months in the "Year" of man, synthesize with the Progressive Ranges of Society and Values to make the structure of the Calendar of Human Change (See below): Most knowledge of individual man and of his collective societies, up to humanity, may be explained, illustrated, related, developed, unified, predicted, and controlled by the Human Calendar structure, if the generic minus-neutral-plus signs are substituted for human values.

Calendar of Human Change

PREDICTION: As the ultimate basis for the changing knowledge of man, Trinitarian structures and their principles are a means to perceive, predict, and control changing values. It is analogous to the natural trinity of the year with its predictable, cyclical trinity of seasons: Spring-summer-autumn-winter. These neutral-positive-neutral-negative.... values have predictable warm-hot-cool-cold.... values. The same applies to the Human Calendar. Knowing that one side of a trinity, balance scale, or cycle is increasing, one can predict that the other side is decreasing in a whole that is constant. .

CONTROL: Controlling the dynamic Trinity Structure is analogous to a street traffic light with its trinity of red-yellow-green lights, that symbolize the trinity of stop-caution-go values. This enables a rational, controlled caution that enables a rhythmic moderation, harmony, and stability of activity. The balancing trinity of lights differs from a dualistic stop-go traffic light and a unitary stop sign that have a greater cause for uncontrolled accidents.

SEMANTICS: In some Trinitarian texts, semantic methods are used to improve learning and thinking while reading. Thus trinities are hyphenated in a sentence to manifest their balancing trinity, as in negative-neutral-positive, and in spiritual-rational-sensual...emotive . The dotted space represents a separation of the non-dynamic, non-free-willed emotive feelings from the dynamic free-willed trinity of spiritual-rational-sensual values. Self-discipline Cycle key words in a sentence are italicized to relate the sentence to the cycle's phase, as in: " Leisure enables time for art, music, and culture." The word "Leisure" relates art, music, and culture to a "Golden Age" that is the Leisure "month" on the Human Calendar.